Ship via: Can Ship UPS
Backset: 2 3/4 in
Bottom Latch: 3/4 in
Color/ Finish: Dark Bronze
Deadbolt Throw: 1/2 in
Dogging: Standard 1/4 Turn Allen Type
Door Thickness: 1 3/4 in
Door Width Requirements: 30 to 36 in
Finish Warranty: 5 Years
Fire- Rating: Not Certified
Grade: 1
Handing Position / Opening Side: Reversible for Left or Right
Latchbolt Throw: 3/4 in
Length: 36 in
Mechanical Warranty: 10 Years
Minimum Frame Width: 4 1/4 in
Mounting Hardware: Included
Product #: 236EVDB
Projection: 2 1/2 in
Projection Pushpad Depressed: 1 7/8 in
Projection Pushpad Neutral: 2 1/2 in
Required Door Height: Max. 7 ft
Shipping Limitations: Some products exceed standard small package size regulations and may incur additional fees. Items measuring 84" or more could require extra charges or LTL shipping. Please keep this in mind when ordering, and contact customer service for more details.
Standards and Certifications: ANSI BHMA A156.3
Strike: 1/2 in
Top Latch: 3/4 in